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The effectiveness of the breaking the network

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The need of the efficiency calculations of breaking of the 110 kV lines network to reduce power losses is the part of the objectives of the Electrical steady states department of CDA of the Ural. The change of the power flows along the branches of the network by the changes in the parameters of the electrical network. That leads to a change of the total losses in this network.

It could be decided whether or not should break the 110 kV network based on data from the change of power losses from the implementation of these events.

The calculations are made for the base steady states of the electric network, and aims to reveal the influence of this event for the whole network.

The carrying out such calculations is very tedious and mechanical work, and therefore the macro was created that automate this process.

All the data are processed in the "RastrWin" software by performing alternative calculations; the data are displayed in the "Microsoft Excel" in the formatted form.

It is necessary the "RastrWin" software with the version or later to use the macro.

Here are the following macros:

  • "Savings from the breaking of the TL for the areas in one quarter for a year.rbs"
  • "Savings from the breaking of the TL for the areas in one quarter for a quarter.rbs"

  • "The checking of the effectiveness of interventions with respect to areas beyond a quarter.rbs"

Working with a group of macros
1. The presence of the three appropriate steady states files for the quarter calculation is required; the presence of the twelve files to calculate the year is needed, respectively.

The files should contain the steady state data of power network for the quarter:

  • minimum;
  • middle;
  • maximum.

The attachments of the nodes to areas in all files must be the same.

The steady states need to be balanced.

The files should be created in the "RastrWin" software.

It should be increased the number of steady states files to twelve, respectively, when the calculation for the year is run.

All the files must be in the same folder.

2. Create a file of "Variant calculations"

The file must include all planned activities in the standard described in the help file "RastrWin" software to create files of the variant calculations.

The only requirement for this file is to make an "empty" alternative for the first variant of calculation (a variant that does not spelled out nor any action with this network). It will be used as a reference during the calculation of the change of the losses in the circuit.

3. Put the steady states files and the variant calculations file in a same folder.
4. Open the macro in the "RastrWin" software and put the path and name according to your data.
5. Run the macro for execution.

Download the macro



The macro is designed by Alexandrov A.S.


The technique of V.A. Tsarev when developing a macro was used.

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