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About the rights of users of software packages of "RastrWin" family
For normal operation of software system families "RastrWin" (which also includes "ActOpus", "Bars" and "Lincor" software) requires the following user rights:
- The Read/write/create/delete from a registry branch HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" rights is necessary for the registration of COM-servers. These rights are, strictly speaking, are only needed for installation. However, during operation, especially during the testing of new versions, is often necessary to "switch" between different versions of the modules by their re-registration. Therefore, the right to write this registry branch is desirable to have during the operation.
- The Read/write/create/delete registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rastr. The program refers to this key to work with local settings during the operation, so it is required in operation.
- 4. The right to full access to the installation path of the program. Typically, the default path is %Program Files% \Actopus or %Program Files%\RastrWin. The installation path is entered by the installer of the program in the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rastr\InstallPathR as a string. During the operation, the program creates temporary files in this folder, the user should be able to change the so-called templates and forms that define the composition and method of displaying of the data, as well as edit the scripts are used to automate software. The rights are necessary during the operation of the software.
Important note must be made on a user’s budget, which installing software suite, and direct user. The program package allows working on a one machine to multiple users with different settings, which could be saved individually. Installer makes certain default settings in the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rastr during the installation of the software. Thus, if the installation was under the one budget, but use of the program will be initiated under the other, part of the settings will be disabled. That may cause malfunction of the software. Therefore it is recommended to install the package on budget of the direct user (providing it with the rights listed above), or copy the registry entries in the budget of the current user. In addition, the operation of the complex by local IT-services will be difficult, since the settings must be done directly in the budget of the direct user.
Eugene Mashalov